CDR (Counterfeit Currency Detection Research) was founded in 1992, initially as a privately owned research centre, advising the Japanese government on topics related to the detection of counterfeit currency. While the company remains the leading expert in this field, they have evolved over the years, and expanded into the field of automated currency exchange. They are members of The Japan Society for Forensic Science and Technology, The Japan Forensics Society, The International Forensics Society & The Japanese Criminological Society. The company's CEO, Tomohiko Endo, concurrently serves as director of Japan's Research Institute for the Prevention of Counterfeiting.
With the company's exchange machines distributed all around the country, mainly in department stores, hotels and tourist information centres, and with the borders now open for tourists again, the company has begun to actively franchise their existing and new machines, many of them already positioned in and profiting from high foot-traffic locations, to capable and willing franchisee operators.